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7 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Wed, 08 March 2017 18:22 «» By: nugraha.perdana2390
REP-1401: 'afterpform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred. ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
…will display parameter sql developer this logic, help me true logic select prp.note_to_receiver, prp.pr_description, prp.no_pr, prp.pr_line, prp.pr_item, prp.pr_item_desc, prp.req_line_quantity, prp.pr_uom, prp.need_by_date…
2 Forum: RAC & Failsafe «» Posted on: Tue, 07 August 2012 06:03 «» By: John Watson
…are many possible ways. It depends on your hardware, operating system, requirements, budget, standards, numerous factors. Perhaps someone here can help, but really I think it is beyond the scope of a forum question. If you would like consultancy, let me …
3 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 08 April 2010 09:36 «» By: pikku24
Re: How to remove nulls in select statement?
…following statement should return more than 300 columns but its returning 212 becuase it has nulls. select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_VL' AND trim(COLUMN_NAME) IN ( 'TRANSACTION_TYPE' , '…
4 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Thu, 27 May 2004 09:58 «» By: Tony Liu
Re: Oracle Apps Project manager for China
…whom it may concern: I'm seeking an executive level position with a global company like Oracle. I am particularly interested in companies that have been expanding or plan to expand in the Asia markets. I would like to use my managerial skills and multi-l…
5 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Mon, 29 September 2003 11:06 «» By: Thiru
Re: Best OS platform for 9i?
…Wow! such a tough & generic question. I am not sure if there ONE BEST platform that suits every requirements. It depends on a lot of factors such as Budget, your database needs (eg RAC etc) System Admins (Yes, very important. Their skillset,…
6 Forum: JDeveloper, Java & XML «» Posted on: Tue, 01 October 2002 09:44 «» By: Lorissa Dong
Re: Migrate Forms/Reports to Java
…has over 25 years experience in the IT market and provides application conversions, application development, consulting, and implementation services that enable its clients to drive organisational performance and to take advantage of true open system …
7 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Fri, 26 October 2001 11:00 «» By: Geetha Rajan/Itec Resourc
Oracle Financials System Manager Wanted - Chicago area!
…main qualifications needed: 1. Functional - must have understanding of accounting business processes and be able to map the workflow 2. Technical - must be able to provide technical direction to developers - hands on coding if necessary 3. Project …

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